Application Techniques of Ultrasonic Flowmeter in Measuring Large Pipelines

The use of ultrasonic flowmeters for measuring water, oil, and other pipelines in industries such as industry, agriculture, and construction is relatively simple. Currently, the application of ultrasonic flowmeters produced by domestic manufacturers in conventional pipelines, such as DN50-DN800mm pipelines, is relatively mature. After all, the development and progress of China's economy, technology, and electronic chips are relatively obvious. But for small pipes such as DN25mm or below, and for large pipes with a diameter of DN700mm or above, the advantages of imported ultrasonic flowmeters are very obvious! Of course, the price of imported ultrasonic flow meters is also very expensive, and there are only a few brands. We will not make differentiated comments here, there is no best, only the most suitable. Therefore, how to choose ultrasonic flowmeters is still based on your actual application and choose based on it.

Compared to installing other flowmeters (electromagnetic flowmeters, vortex street flow meters), the measurement of large-diameter pipelines is much simpler to install ultrasonic flowmeters due to their larger diameter. The principle of installing ultrasonic flowmeters is to choose a simple and convenient installation method as much as possible while meeting the installation conditions.

If conditions permit, try to install on the same side as much as possible. The installation on the same side is relatively convenient, and when measuring the distance between the two sensors of the ultrasonic flow meter, it can also achieve as accurate as possible, ensuring that the two sensors are on the same straight line; If it is a buried pipeline or a pipeline suitable for measurement with a shorter length, and the distance exceeds the length of the pipeline when using the same side measurement, one sound layer needs to be selected for measurement. This can reduce the requirements for straight pipe sections, but increases the difficulty of measurement and brings some uncertain factors to the measurement results. For example, if the sound points of two sensors are not in line with the center of the pipeline, measurement errors will occur.

Therefore, when measuring large pipelines, try to use the same side measurement as much as possible. If the signal strength is not enough at this time, only the opposite side measurement can be used! When selecting the opposite side measurement, it is important to ensure that the installation points of the two sensors pass through the center of the pipeline, and to accurately measure the distance between the two sensors and other parameters that need to be input. Whether it is a domestic ultrasonic flowmeter or an imported ultrasonic flowmeter, the accuracy of these parameters cannot be guaranteed without precision.